Basic documents
1. Resolution 54 / 214
2. Cooperation Framework of the member partners of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership
Please download the documents here below:
3. Organizational chart of all CBFP Colleges and their Co-Leaders
Please, download the Document here below:
Organizational chart of all CBFP Colleges and their Co-Leaders
4. Questions - Answers on CBFP Colleges and Council-EN
Please download the following PDF Documents:
5. Document on the N'Djamena Declaration
Please download the following PDF Documents:
6. CBFP Flyer
"FAIR DEAL - FAIR SHARE - Statement of commitment and call for fair funding
Please kindly download.
In English:
First summary of the work of the Fair Deal Task Force
Memorandum of the "Congo Basin Forest Day
Kinshasa - Douala: The long version of the Declaration
In French:
Premier résumé des travaux de la Task Force « Fair Deal »
Aide-Mémoire, Mémorandun de la « Journée des Forêts du Bassin du Congo »
Kinshasa - Douala: The long version of the Declaration