The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is one of the largest independent conservation organizations in the world. Active in almost 100 countries, we have been working in the Congo Basin in Central Africa for more than 20 years. Our mission is to stop environmental degradation in the world and build a future where people live in harmony with nature.
For our DRC office, we are looking for a dynamic and committed Program Coordinator, Human Rights who will contribute to the growth of our program (financed by the German Ministry for Development Cooperation, BMZ) in Democratic Republic of Congo and Central Africa. In the Congo Basin, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is active in several landscape-scale sites, including the Salonga National Park (SNP) and its periphery in the DRC, and the Sangha Tri-national, including Lobéké National Park (LNP) in Cameroon and its periphery, and the Dzanga-Sangha Protected Area Complex (DSPA) in the Central African Republic.
Location: Kinshasa in Democratic of Republic of Congo.
Duration of the assignment: 2 years’ subject to successful probation renewable subsequently
Main responsibilities:
Coordination of the overall program and leading on joint learning and regional exchange
- Coordinate and steer all program activities and supporting implementing partners to deliver the defined results on time in all three countries;
- Facilitate exchange between various stakeholders involved in the program monitoring and ensure project progress (supported by the program’s M & E Coordinator);
- Coordinate and liaise with the local and regional partner organisations and ensure the timely delivery of project results;
- Liaise and regular communicate with WWF Germany backstopper;
- Organize kick-off and closure workshops;
- Be responsible for the elaboration of a grievance mechanisms practitioner’s guide for protected areas in the Congo Basin and all related work;
- Support implementing partners to commission studies and organisational development (OD) consultancies and selecting suitable consultants;
- Organize, commission and manage the internal mid-term evaluation as well as external final evaluation;
- Consolidate technical and financial reports from implementing partners before submitting to WWF DRC hierarchy and WWF Germany backstopper;
- Support the preparation of annual financial audits for the project; Guide implementing CSO on WWF Environmental and Social Safeguards;
- Ensure that the program is implemented in a consultative, participative, transparent, gender sensitive and community / indigenous rights-based way with an emphasis on WWF standards;
- Develop synergies between partners in and out of the WWF network to strengthen experience sharing and lobby / advocacy capacity at national and international level;
- Coordinate the elaboration of work plans of CSOs and monitor their execution;
- Manage WWF DRC program staff in line with WWF policies, ensuring that they have the necessary induction and support;
- Represent the program at national, regional, international events;
Quality management
- Monitor and evaluate program work to maintain and/or improve the quality; incorporating learning in the programme and ensuring achievement of desired impact;
- Ensure technical and financial reporting to BMZ is of high quality and timely submitted;
- Ensure compliance with donor procedures (procurement, subcontracting, tenders, etc.) in coordination with the WWF Germany backstopper;
- Maintain close communication to all CSOs implementing activities in the field.
Ensure strategic communication (internal and external)
- Ensure that the WWF network is aware of progress of activities and possible adaptive management, outside of the technical reporting cycles;
- Keep WWF network staff and the donor involved in the program;
- Support the CSOs to high-light achievements related to this program via the media both national and internationally.
For more Information, please, download the Document here below: