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CBFP Meetings News

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Provisional programme of the MOP20

The 20th Meeting of the Parties to the CBFP (MOP20) will be held in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, from 3 to 5 June 2024. The MOP20 is organised by the Co-Facilitation of the French and Gabonese Republics of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). Please find the provisional programme of the 20th Meeting of the Parties of the CBFP (MOP20).


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MOP20: The CBFP launches registration for journalists

The French-Gabonese Co-Facilitation of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) is pleased to inform you that the 20th Meeting of Parties (MoP20) of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership will be held in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, from 3-5 June 2024. If you wish to cover the 20th Meeting of the Parties (MOP) of the CBFP and associated meetings, please register before 16 May 2024 by filling in the form below and clicking on the "register" button.


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Information Note: CBFP Youth Forum from 31 May to 1 June 2024, Kinshasa, DRC

The "Youth Forum for the Forests of Central Africa 2024" is scheduled to take place over 2 days from 31 May to 1 June in Kinshasa. It will bring together 150 young people from Central Africa and Europe who are committed to protecting forests and preserving the environment. This forum is organised by the Franco-Gabonese facilitation of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP), a 128-member initiative that serves as a platform for multi-sectoral dialogue on forest conservation. The Youth Forum will be a preliminary event to the CBFP Meeting of the Parties, which will take place from 3 to 5 June in Kinshasa, and will serve as a general assembly for its members.

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Information Note: 20th Meeting of Parties (MOP20) of the CBFP, 31 May - 5 June 2024, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

The CBFP Youth Forum and Meeting of Parties will take place from 31 May to 5 June 2024 in Kinshasa and will bring together more than 700 stakeholders committed to preserving the forests of the Congo Basin. The Meeting of Parties and the Youth Forum will be co-chaired by Ambassador Christophe Guilhou (France) and Ambassador Flore Koumba Pambo (Gabon) and the current President of COMIFAC, His Excellency Mr Prosper Dodiko, with the participation of senior representatives of the DRC.

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Call for Proposals of Side Events at CBFP MOP 20

The Facilitation of the French and Gabonese Republics is pleased to launch a call for proposals to host side events during the 20th Meeting of the Parties (MOP20) in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, from 3-5 June 2024. In line with the themes of MOP20 of the CBFP, side events provide opportunities for information exchange, dialogue, cooperation and the creation of synergies between CBFP partners. Deadline for submissions: 19 April 2024. Applicants for selected proposals will be contacted on 30 April 2024.

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20th Meeting of Parties (MoP20) of the CBFP from 3 to 5 June 2024 in Kinshasa, DRC: registration now open!

The Franco-Gabonese Co-Facilitation of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) is pleased to inform you that the 20th Meeting of Parties (MoP20) of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership will be held in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, from 3-5 June 2024. If you wish to attend the 20th Meeting of Parties (MoP) of the CBFP and related events, please register before 05 May, 23:59, 2024 by completing the form below and clicking on the button “register”. It will not be possible to attend the meeting without a properly completed registration procedure.

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Dear Panelists, dear Guests, You are invited to take part in the sharing and reflection workshop that IOM Cameroon and KAS are organizing on the theme: "Practical solutions to migration, security and climate change: Initiatives and commitments by civil society and the United Nations to address and resolve challenges". As part of the Second International Ministerial Conference on Transboundary Transhumance - Nexus.

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Invitation to the regional launch of the German cooperation project "Peaceful and inclusive transhumance in Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria and Chad".

We hereby cordially invite you to our regional launch of the German cooperation project "Peaceful and inclusive transhumance in Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria, and Chad" at the Second International Conference of Ministers on Transboundary Transhumance.

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Workshop to launch the Cameroon country investment plan (CIP) development process

On May 8, 2023, in the BOUN'S Hotel conference, in Yaoundé, a workshop was held to launch the process of drawing up the Cameroon Country Investment Plan (CIP) on the nexus of transboundary transhumance, protected areas, peace and security, and development.  Please download the final communiqué of the workshop...

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A Workshop for the Development of a National Investment Plan for the Federal Republic of Nigeria on Transhumance and Related Topics

From April 19 to 20, 2023 a workshop for the development of a national investment plan for Nigeria on transhumance and related topics was held in Abuja, NIGERIA. This workshop, funded by the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) Facilitation of the Federal Republic of Germany, aimed to...

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2nd International Conference of Ministers on cross-border transhumance: the technical departments of the West and Centre Blocks hold their meeting in Ndjamena

N’Djamena April 14, 2023, the technical meetings of the experts from the Centre and West blocks of the N'Djamena Declaration on cross-border transhumance between the Sahel and North Equatorial Africa regions ended today at noon. These last meetings of the three geographical blocks of the CBFP (East, West, Centre) had among other objectives to finalize the Action Plans and Country Investment Plans related to cross-border transhumance, Zoonosis, security and sustainable development.


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Meetings of the CBFP Facilitator, Honourable Dr. Christian Ruck with Cameroon's High Level Administrators

February 22-28, 2023 - Yaounde - The Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany, Honourable Dr. Christian Ruck stayed in Cameroon to prepare for the 2nd International Conference of Ministers in charge of Forests/Protected Areas/Environment, Livestock, Agriculture, Peace/Security, on cross-border transhumance Nexus: transhumance, protected areas, natural resources, security and development from July 10 to 12, 2023 in Cameroon.

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2nd International Conference of Ministers on cross-border transhumance: the technical department of the East Block holds its meeting

On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, the technical department of the East Block held a meeting in the heart of nature, in the calm and quiet premises of The Regional Post-Graduate Training School on Integrated Management of Tropical Forests and Lands (ERAIFT) in the DRC.This inaugural meeting of the technical departments of the three geographical blocks of the CBFP (East, West, Central) had among other objectives to finalise the preparations of the 2nd International Conference of Ministers in charge of Forests/Protected Areas/Environment, Livestock, Agriculture, Peace/Security, on cross-border transhumance Nexus: transhumance, protected areas, natural resources, security and development from July 10 to 12, 2023 in Cameroon, for the East block.

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From July 10 to 12, 2023, Yaoundé will host the second International Conference of Ministers on Transboundary Transhumance between the Sahel and North Equatorial Africa regions

This is one of the decisions taken on Monday, April 10, 2023, 11 am at MINREX Cameroon, during the preparatory meeting of the second International Conference of Ministers on Transboundary Transhumance, Nexus: transhumance, protected areas and natural resources, development, peace and security.

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GCF Secretariat consults Accredited Entities on the drafting of the evaluation operational procedures and guidelines - GCF

The GCF Secretariat, through the Division of Portfolio Management, met in person with Accredited Entities in Songdo, Republic of Korea on 19th October 2022 to discuss the Evaluation Operational Procedures and Guidelines (‘guidelines’). The guidelines are the second of the two associated documents to the GCF Evaluation Policy and are developed in collaboration with the IEU of the GCF.

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MOP19 CBFP – Side event CIFOR - Woodfuel management and the first decade of REDD+ implementation in Central Africa: Realities and the way forward

The side event began with an introduction of Denis SONWA, followed by the presentation of the large articulations in front of furnished the sequence that was made by Abdon AWONO. He stressed the importance of the efficient management of wood energy in Central Africa in a context marked by global changes and where the majority of the population uses woodfuel as the main source of energy.

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CBFP - MoP 19 - REMARKS - His Excellency Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

This is a synthesis of the Speech by the MOP19 Secretariat. As Chair of both the CBFP as well as the CAFI Executive Board, Germany would like to take this opportunity to underline its commitment to a continued fruitful collaboration with our Central Africa partners and all stakeholders in the region. We all know that the Central African forests are key to our survival on this planet. This is why we are here....

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The 34th meeting of the GCF Board is set to get underway in the Republic of Korea from October 17-20 - GCF

The meeting will be the fourth and final of 2022 and will take place in person, in Incheon, Republic of Korea. There are nine funding proposals under consideration for projects in Vanuatu, Barbados, Peru, Indonesia, and Guinea-Bissau as well as multi-country projects including countries that span across Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean, Asia and Africa. Further details of the funding proposals under consideration are available on the GCF website

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MoP 19: Mechanism, Coordination of Financing for the Protection of Tropical Forests in Central Africa

The high-level meeting on the international financial architecture for biodiversity was held on July 5 and 6, 2022 in Libreville, Gabon. The panel was composed of CAFI, AfDB, AFD and the EU on July 5, and KFW and Winrock on July 6. The finding is that there is chaos in the actions of donors to the forests of the Congo Basin. In the Congo Basin there are 35 funding initiatives in total, including a concern for coordination. It is a question of reflecting on the best coordination mechanism and also on the PES and their indicators; to look at what are the mechanisms to reassure the private sector...


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MoP 19 -Libreville - Keynote Speech - Dr Richard Eba’a Atyi: The forests of the Congo Basin: Stakes, Challenges, opportunities and perspectives

The general context of forest management and conservation in central Africa… The socio-economic context of forest management and conservation in central Africa. The 4 key elements which have most impacts on forests management and conservation in central Africa… young population and strong population growth…

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MoP19-CBFP-UK: His Excellency Rt Hon Lord Goldsmith of Richmond Park's speech at CBFP MOP 19 in Libreville

…As we give the COP26 pledge a permanent home at the CBFP... And having committed to investing nearly a third of UK International Climate Finance – which we recently doubled – into nature, at least half of that in forests...we’re forging ahead with the work that our £200m commitment to the Congo Basin pledge will support…through the brilliant Forests, Governance, Markets, and Climate Programme, our newly established transboundary Biodiverse Landscapes Fund, and a new bilateral programme that we’re designing ahead of COP27…alongside our £32m contribution to CAFI. We know CAFI needs to change – and we’re committed to that as well....

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CBFP - MOP 19- Final Press Release- Ministerial Session - Binational Supervisory and Arbitration Committee (CBSA) for Cooperation between Cameroon and Chad on Bouba Ndjidda and Séna Oura

The Binational Supervisory and Arbitration Committee (CBSA), on the Cooperation Agreement between Cameroon and Chad for the concerted management of the Bouba Ndjidda and Séna Oura cross-border protected area complex, has held its second session at the invitation of Mr. Jules Doret NDONGO, Minister of Forests and Wildlife of Cameroon and Current President of CBSA. Kindly download the documents....

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Biodiversity Conservation – SGTAPFS13: COMIFAC: 13th meeting of COMIFAC’s Central African Protected Areas and Wildlife Sub-Working Group

The COMIFAC Executive Secretariat, Directors of  Wildlife and Protected Areas, Heads of national sub-regional park agencies, as well as COMIFAC’s technical and financial partners, gathered in Libreville from 11 to 15 July 2022 for the 13th meeting of the Protected Areas and Wildlife Sub-Working Group of the Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC). The meeting was held with technical and financial support from WCS, the European Union as part of ECOFAC 6 and the German technical cooperation through the GIZ Regional Project to support COMIFAC mandated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development abbreviated BMZ.

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CBFP MOP19; Summary of proceedings of side Event II: Monitoring the implementation of the N’Djamena Declaration and the development of Country Investment Plans in preparation for N’Djamena 2

A side-event entitled "Monitoring the implementation of the N'Djamena Declaration and the Development of Country Investment Plans in preparation for N'Djamena 2” was held on 07 July 2022. Experts from the 3 geographical and thematic blocs of the N'DJAMENA Declaration attended the day of strategic reflection on the subject of transhumance. A roadmap and a logical framework which the experts had established during previous work sessions were presented at the meeting. Other presentations delivered during the gathering highlighted the wide range of activities conducted by conservation actors, from the perspective of peaceful management of transhumance.

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CBFP MOP 19: Civil Society Declaration on the fight against deforestation in Congo Basin countries

We, the representatives of Central African civil society who participated in-person and virtually in the 19th Meeting of Parties of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP), which was organized by the Federal Republic of Germany and took place from 5 to 8 July, 2022, in Libreville, Republic of Gabon, came together on 6 July 2022, as part of a strategic workshop of civil society organizations working to ensure effective management of natural resources in Congo Basin countries…

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CBFP RDP 19: Main conclusions of Streams of the 19th Meeting of the Parties of the CBFP: Strong messages and recommendations...

Please download the recommendations, conclusions, messages coming out of the deliberations of Streams 1a, 1b, 2 and 3, Technical Segment of the MOP 19 of the CBFP of Libreville towards sustainable development for Central Africa’s countries, people, forests and biodiversity...These conclusions also serve as a roadmap for the partners to implement the "Declaration of commitment of COMIFAC Member States to the forests of Central Africa and call for equitable financing" and the “Joint Declaration of the Congo Basin donors of COP26”…

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MoP 19 - CIFOR - USFS: Peatlands, mangroves, and other wetlands: climate responses in the Congo Basin

Please kindly consult the main conclusions of the two side events organised by CIFOR and USFS in the margins of CBFP MOP 19 on: Slot 1: Current scientific activities on peatlands (and other wetlands) in the Congo Basin and  Slot 2: Early responses to protect and manage peatlands in the Congo Basin.

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MOP19 CBFP - Summary of proceedings of DYNAFAC side events: From Mbaiki to Bambidie, 40 years monitoring the dynamics of production forests

The DYNAFAC side event consisted of presentations reviewing the results of 40 years of research on forest dynamics and ended with draft recommendations for policy makers. The first presentation entitled "Structure, diversity and dynamics of Central African forests: main achievements of the DynAfFor and P3FAC projects" was delivered by Sylvie GOURLET-FLEURY (CIRAD, France) and Félix ALLAH-BAREM (ICRA, CAR), and the second presentation entitled “Population dynamics of commercial species in Central Africa: main achievements of the DynAfFor and P3FAC projects” was delivered by Jean-Louis DOUCET (Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech – University of Liège, Belgium) and Franck MONTHE (Nature+ asbl, Belgium).

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19th Meeting of Parties to the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (MOP19): ending and closing

From July 5 and July 8, 2022, the city of Libreville, Gabon hosted the 19th Meeting of Parties to the Congo Basin Forest Partnership. Through workshops, talks, and round tables, participants spent four (4) days figuring out how to speed up the implementation of the COMIFAC Declaration, the Glasgow Declaration on the "Fair Deal," and all other outcomes of the international conferences.

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CBFP MOP 19 - WWF Side Event: African Forest Elephants - Update on field activities and reflections on joint efforts to ensure their long-term conservation and coexistence with people

The overall objective of this workshop was to mobilise more partners for a synergy of efforts for the preservation of this species which is central to the ecological processes of the Congo Basin forests. Specifically, it aimed to Bring together the different technical partners to share experiences on forest elephants and their coexistence with humans;To question CBFP partners on the importance of continuing to support conservation actions for the last remaining populations of forest elephants...

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CBFP - RDP 19- Final Press Release - Ministerial Session - Tri-national Supervision and Arbitration Committee (CTSA) on the Fight against Poaching (AT-LAB): Cameroon, CAR, Chad

The N'Djamena Tri-national Supervision and Arbitration Committee (CTSA) on the Cooperation Agreement between Cameroon, the Central African Republic and Chad on the fight against poaching (AT-LAB) held its third meeting. The meeting was convened by Mr. MAHAMAT AHMAT LAZINA, Chadian Minister of the Environment, Fisheries and Sustainable Development and Chairman of the CTSA.

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CBFP MOP19 Climate Focus Side Event: Key Messages and Insights

The Climate Focus side event, entitled “The Forest Declaration Assessment - How to achieve the 2030 goals in the Congo Basin” took place on 5 July 2022 during the 19th Meeting of Parties of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership. Following a brief overview of the project, five regional experts took the floor in a string of presentations on a variety of forestry-related topics.

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Congo Basin Forest Partnership : Civil Society Declaration

We, the members of the CBFP Civil Society College represented by CEFDHAC and its affiliated networks (REPAR, REFADD, REJEFAC, REPALEAC, ReRaC, SEEAC, RECEIAC, RECTRAD), and ROSCEVAC, are honoured to release this "Declaration" endorsing the conclusions of the Civil Society College held on 07 July 2022 at the Radisson Blu hotel in Libreville, Gabon, in preparation for the pre-COP 27 common position note, and recommend the following...

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CBFP - RDP 19- Final Press Release - Ministerial Session - Tri-national Supervision and Arbitration Committee (CTSA) on the Fight against Poaching (AT-LAB): Cameroon, CAR, Chad

The N'Djamena Tri-national Supervision and Arbitration Committee (CTSA) on the Cooperation Agreement between Cameroon, the Central African Republic and Chad on the fight against poaching (AT-LAB) held its third meeting. The meeting was convened by Mr. MAHAMAT AHMAT LAZINA, Chadian Minister of the Environment, Fisheries and Sustainable Development and Chairman of the CTSA.

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19th Meeting of the Parties of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership ( MOP19): Final communiqué available for download...

From July 5 to 8, 2022, the Members Parties of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) met in Libreville, Gabonese Republic, for their 19th meeting and celebrated the 20th anniversary of their Partnership. The 19th meeting of the Parties to the CBFP brought together approximately 600 participants representing Central African countries, donors, international organizations, NGOs, civil society, representatives of research institutions and representatives of the private sector. Please download the final communiqué of the MOP19....


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CBFP MOP19: Minutes of the 10th CBFP Governing Council

Libreville (Gabonese Republic) - 7 July 2022 - The 10th CBFP Governing Council Meeting was held on held on 7 July 2022 and chaired by Hon. Dr. Christian Ruck, CBFP Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany, co-chaired by His Excellency Mr. Jules Doret Ndongo, Minister of Forestry and Wildlife of Cameroon, current Chairman of COMIFAC and hosted by His Excellency Prof. Lee White, represented by His Excellency Michel Stéphane Bonda, Minister Delegate of the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of Cameroon. Lee White, represented by His Excellency Michel Stéphane Bonda, Minister Delegate of the Ministry of Water, Forestry, Sea and Environment in charge of the Climate Plan and Land Use Plan, Gabon.

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France will take up the Facilitator role of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) after Germany

July 2022, Libreville. France will take up the Facilitator role of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) for the second time after the United States, the European Union, Belgium and Germany. This announcement was made by Her Excellency Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Secretary of State for Development, Francophonie and International Partnerships attached to the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, during the 19th Meeting of the Parties of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership, held from 5th to 8th July, 2022 in Libreville, Gabon.

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The final communiqué of the Extraordinary Session of COMIFAC Council of Ministers, held in Libreville on 9 July, 2022 is now available for download...

Convened by Mr. Jules Doret NDONGO, the Cameroon Minister of Forestry and Wildlife and current Chairperson of the Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC), an extraordinary session of the Council of Ministers in charge of Forests and/or Environment of member states was held in Libreville, Republic of Gabon on 9 July, 2022. This Council of Ministers session took place on the side-lines of the 19th Meeting of the Parties of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). It was preceded, on 6 and 7 July, by the Experts meeting.

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CBFP MOP19 - SWM Event - Participatory, science- and rights-based community development of sustainable village hunting models: Experiences and prospects in the Congo Basin

Libreville 07-07-2022. The Sustainable Wildlife Management Programme organised a side event at MOP19 from 13:00 to 15:00. The key messages from this meeting are the following: The diversity of socio-ecological, cultural, demographic, epidemiological and economic contexts in the sub-region requires different models of wildlife management to adapt best to local realities, and in doing so, be more user-friendly and effective. Developing these models requires multidisciplinary approaches that take into account the three dimensions - ecological, economic and social - of sustainability....

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MOP19 CBFP - GIZ: Towards a Triangular-Trilateral Project: Central Africa - China - Germany: Tropical Timber Trade Facility (TTT)

Libreville (Gabon), 8 July 2022 - During the 19th Meeting of the Parties of the CBFP, about 30 participants took part in a side event organised by GIZ in Tent 1 of the Raidsson blu Hotel, on a new regional project "A Triangular-Trilateral Project: Central Africa-China-Germany: Tropical Timber Trade Facility (TTT)”.

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CBFP MOP19 - FAO: Assessment of Deforestation and Forest Degradation and Associated Direct Drivers Using SEPAL - Results and Prospects

Deforestation and forest degradation are complex processes that transcend borders and have many direct and underlying causes. To develop policies and take action to address forest loss and reduce associated carbon emissions, it is important to fully understand where and how anthropogenic drivers lead to forest disturbance in the Congo Basin.

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MOP 19: CBFP - FERN - CAFI: Summary of High-Level Roundtable on Imported Deforestation

On 6 July 2022, the CBFP Facilitation, in collaboration with Fern and the Central Africa Forest Initiative (CAFI), organised a High-Level Roundtable on an inclusive partnership with the European Union to combat deforestation and promote sustainable development in the Congo Basin on the margins of the 19th Meeting of the Parties of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP).

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CBFP MOP19 - FLAG Event - "Civil Society Monitoring and Legal Watch Actions for the Protection of Central African Forests": Points Adopted

Organized on July 06, 2022 by Field Legality Advisory Group (FLAG), Conservation Justice (CJ) and Brainforest, the side-event "Actions of follow-up and legal watch by the civil society for the protection of Central African forests" had as main objective to highlight the initiatives of follow-up on the environmental litigation and to discuss ways and means for an increase of similar actions. To this end, the co-organisers presented the results of their actions, including the challenges and stakes of follow-up on disputes arising from natural resource management in the Congo Basin, before an online and in-person audience.

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AJVC: President of France, HE. E. Macron supports Congo Basin REJEFAC's advocacy

Yaoundé, 26 July 2022. Mrs. Esso Rosy, vice-president of the follow-up of NSAF's recommendations has successfully carried the voice of Rejefac's young leaders on the theme: green entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainable development, during the visit of the French President H.E. Emmanuel Macron during his visit to Cameroon.

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RDP19 - CBFP – WWF- Follow-up of the impacts of conservation programs: Some examples from WWF in the Congo Basin

Side Event Presentation, Date: 07/07/2022, Location: Libreville 2, Time: 13:40 - 14:30. Session summary: This side event was an opportunity to present the impact follow-up strategy and its foundations; with a demonstration of impacts on several sites, informing participants about the state of conservation of some protected areas in the Congo Basin. Please download the documents....

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Congo Basin Forests - State of forests 2021: CBFP Partners' Key Product

This report places the Congo Basin’s Forest ecosystems in a global context characterised by debates that will guide the management of the entire world's tropical forests over the coming decades. It also addresses topical issues such as peatland management and questions about the relationship between the management of biodiversity resources and the emergence or re-emergence of zoonotic diseases, of which COVID-19 has particularly affected the context of its writing.

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CBFP MOP 19 - Event ClientEarth and Brainforest - Participatory forestry: What achievement in Gabon? What lessons for the Congo Basin?

19th Meeting of the Parties of the CBFP, Radison Blu Hotel, Libreville, 06 July 2022 - As the global challenges of combating the climate crisis and biodiversity erosion increasingly focus on the protection of tropical forests, ClientEarth in partnership with Brainforest launched an invitation to discuss the political and legal basis for placing communities at the centre of forest management. The panel focused on experiences of implementing community forestry in Gabon, including opportunities and challenges. The session was marked by two phases of presentations and discussions respectively.

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MOP19 CBFP - WWF Session Report: African Forest Elephants - Update on field activities and reflections on joint efforts to ensure their long-term conservation and coexistence with people

This session clarified the subsidiary, though indispensable, role of human-elephant conflict mitigation methods. It underlined the importance for conservation actors to work towards human-elephant coexistence, which is the only way to ensure the preservation of elephants and the well-being of local communities. It should be remembered that true human-elephant coexistence is a state of cohabitation where the well-being of humans and elephants is ensured in a sustainable manner. As elephants are in the same natural environment as humans, with mutual aggression linked to conflicts of interest between the two and among humans, this state of coexistence can only be achieved if communities exceed the levels of tolerance and acceptance of elephants....

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MOP19 CBFP – Stream 2 - Joining hands to strengthen the backbone of Africa’s natural infrastructure: a vision for protected & conserved areas

Libreville July 5 13:00 – 14:30 Stream (2) Biodiversity: The Future of Protected Areas. The Africa Protected Areas Director (APAD) forum is a platform and network open to the representatives of national authorities of Protected Areas operating throughout Africa. APAD aims to foster information sharing, develop a common agenda for Africa's protected areas, facilitate collaboration and collective responsibility among the Africa Protected Areas Directors. The platform is underpinned by an Africa-led agenda for protected and conserved areas as the backbone of natural infrastructure.

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MOP19 CBFP – SWM event - Participatory, science-based and community rights-based development of sustainable village hunting models: experiences and prospects in the Congo Basin

Libreville 07-07-2022. The Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme organized a side event at RDP19 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Key messages from the side event include: The diversity of socio-ecological, cultural, demographic, epidemiologic and economic contexts in the sub-region, requires different wildlife management models to best fit local realities, and, doing so, be better accepted by users and more effective. To develop those models, multi-disciplinary approaches that consider all three – ecological, economic and social – dimensions of sustainability are needed.... Please download the document...

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CBFP MoP 19 - USG: Launching CARPE IV Event – United States Government's renewed commitment to the Congo Basin

LIBREVILLE, GABON — The United States Government is renewing its longstanding commitment to the protection, conservation, and sustainable management of the Congo Basin, the world’s second largest tropical rainforest with the launch of the fourth phase of the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment, also known as CARPE. The U.S. Embassy in Libreville detailed the U.S. government’s renewed commitment to the Congo Basin at the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) Meeting of Parties held July 5‐8, 2022, in Libreville, Gabon.

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CBFP MoP 19 - Side Event - GIZ: ‘Future of transboundary pastoralism’: Main take-aways and recommendations

...Policy decisions and legislative measures aim to regulate pastoralism and require coordination between the different regulations. It is essential to draw in evidence-based facts and to be conflict sensitive by bringing the relevant actors on the table. The knowledge about regulations (regional, national, sub-national) and Follow-up on implementation require attention... Kindly download the Summary of the Event under the CBFP Website.

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CBFP 19th MoP – FSC : Understanding FSC Solutions to Strengthen the Value and Contribution of Congo Basin Forests to Sustainable Economies and the Wellbeing of Society – Key feature

During the event, FSC introduced a range of FSC solutions that are being deployed across the world and in the Congo Basin to strengthen the governance of forests for people and economy, address the climate challenge and strengthen tropical forest product value chains in traditional and emerging markets. These include...

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Meeting of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership in Gabon: Germany commits 45 million euros for the conservation of the Congo forest

8 July 2022, Libreville – Germany has committed 45 million euros for the conservation of the Congo forest – one of the largest remaining carbon stores worldwide. That was announced today by Development State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth at the Annual Meeting of the Congo Basin Partnership in Libreville (Gabon). The forest partnership which is aimed at conserving the unique tropical region is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The region is of tremendous importance both as a carbon sink and for biodiversity. The Congo Basin forest is the second largest tropical forest after the Amazon rainforest and it is the largest carbon sink worldwide. Germany is currently chairing the Partnership. This engagement is also a contribution to the global biodiversity conference in December 2022.

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MOP19- Final Program

The 19th Meeting of the Parties of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership will start tomorrow, July 05, until July 08, 2022. For four (4) days, it will be a question of finding ways and means to accelerate the implementation of the COMIFAC Declaration, the Glasgow Declaration on the "Fair Deal", and all the results of the international conferences through workshops, discussions and round tables.

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RDP 19: Registration Schedule

Registration for the 19th Meeting of the Parties of the PFBC from July 5 - 8, 2022 started yesterday July 03 from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00. If you have not yet registered, please go to the Radisson Blu Hotel, on the 1st floor in front of the Libreville 1 room according to the days and times below...

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FERN- NaturAfrica will soon replace the Central African Forest Ecosystem Program (ECOFAC)

The announcement was made by the European Union in June 2022. NaturAfrica is part of the Green Pact for Europe's overall biodiversity strategy to protect wildlife and ecosystems, capture economic opportunities for local communities and indigenous peoples (LCAPs) in green sectors, and strengthen the participation of these communities and peoples in EU programs that support biodiversity.

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MOP19 – CBFP : REPALEAC to mobilize $100 million for forest and land rights of indigenous peoples in Central Africa.

6/7/2022 - During a side event organised on the sidelines of the 19th Meeting of the Parties of the CBFP in Libreville, the Network of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities of Central Africa (REPALEAC) presented its strategy to mobilise 100 million US dollars for recognition and securing of land and forest rights of the indigenous and local communities it represents. This financing is part of the Glasgow 1.7 billion pledge for PACL land tenure rights.

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Field Trip Registrations prolonged until Sunday!

Registration for field trips for the CBFP MoP19 has been prolonged until Sunday, 26 June 2022 at 6pm CEST. These exclusive field Trips will kick-off the diverse and ambitious technical and political discussions that will take place during the MoP19. They will offer great scenery and expert inputs on a variety of relevant themes. Field trips will take place before the beginning of the official meetings, between July 02 and 04, 2022.

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MOP19 Libreville Field Trip: Registration Now Open!

To kick off the diverse and ambitious technical and policy discussions that will take place during the conference, we are pleased to offer several field trip opportunities exclusively for MOP19. These will include beautiful landscapes and tours led by experienced experts on a variety of topics. The field trips will take place prior to the start of the conference, between July 02-4, 2022.

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Registration opens for exhibitors at the CBFP MOP 19 Exhibition Centre

We are pleased to hereby inform you that exhibition registration for the CBFP MoP19 is open. The exhibition space offers your organization the opportunity to present your work, initiatives, projects and expertise to the participants of the MoP19. Exhibitors are able to rent a stand package at set prices with options for customization and additional equipment. To register as Exhibitor at the 19th Meeting of Parties of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP), please fill out this form online before June 10, 2022.

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19th Meeting of the Parties (MOP) July 5-8, 2022, in Libreville, Gabon: Registration is open until May 20, 2022!

If you wish to attend the 19th MoP of the CBFP and related events, please register before 20th May 2022 by completing the form below and clicking on the button “register”. It will not be possible to attend the meeting without a properly completed registration procedure.

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19th Meeting of the Parties, July 5-8, 2022, in Libreville, Gabon: Registration is closing on May 20, 2022!

This is a reminder that registrations for the 19th Meeting of Parties (MoP) of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership in Libreville, Gabon, from 5 to 8 July 2022 are CLOSING IN 2 DAYS. Please note, that you can only attend with a completed registration. Please register here...

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Exhibition at MOP19: registration will be open soon!

We are pleased to hereby inform you that exhibition registration for the CBFP MoP19 will be open soon. The exhibition space offers your organization the opportunity to present your work, initiatives, projects and expertise to the participants of the MoP19. Exhibitors will be able to rent a stand package at set prices with options for customization and additional equipment.

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Information Note : The CBFP celebrates its 20th anniversary and holds its 19th Meeting of Parties (MOP) 5-8 July 2022, in Libreville, Gabon

The facilitation of the Federal Republic of Germany is pleased to announce that the 19th Meeting of Parties of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) is scheduled to take place from 5 to 9 July 2022, in Libreville (Gabon) in hybrid format. It will be organized by the CBFP Facilitation of the Federal Republic of Germany in close collaboration with the Republic of Gabon and the Central Africa Forest Commission (COMIFAC).

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Orientation Note of the 19th CBFP Meeting of Parties, Libreville, 5-8 July 2022 - Program of the week

CBFP celebrates its 20th anniversary and holds its 19th Meeting of the Parties (MoP 19), 5-8 July 2022, Libreville, Gabon. Continued implementation of the Declaration of Commitment of COMIFAC Member States to the Central African forests and Call for Equitable Financing and the COP 26 Joint Declaration of Congo Basin Donors: Towards sustainable development with a “Fair Deal” for the Congo Basin Forests, their inhabitants, forests and biodiversities.

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Ninth Meeting of the CBFP Governing Council in Douala: major strides in the implementation of the CBFP and partners' roadmap and new challenges ahead

The 9th Meeting of the CBFP Governing Council was held on Friday 16 July 2021 in Douala Cameroon by video conference at the Hotel La Falaise. This meeting was part of the CBFP's cooperation framework, which provides for the CBFP Council to meet twice a year, and followed Experts Meeting to follow up on the N'Djamena Conference on the development of country investment plans focusing on zoonoses, transhumance, the fight against cross-border poaching, security and sustainable development between the Sahel and the Congo Basin, which was held from 12 to 15 July 2021 at the same venue.

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The Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany of the CBFP, Honorable Dr Christian Ruck wishes you the best for the year 2021!

In this festive season at the end of the year 2020, we are pleased to get back to you to express our appreciation, because from our interactions during this year 2020 that is drawing to a close, we have benefited from your diverse and rich contributions and proactive engagements that have enriched and enhanced our joint partnership. Together, we have moved forward and the successful implementation of the CBFP meetings in Kinshasa has confirmed this conviction. This is our joint success! Together, we have moved forward! Together, we have raised the standard of the Congo Basin and its peripheries.

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Council Meeting

The Eighth CBFP Council Meeting will take place from 26 to 29 May in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

The next Meeting of CBFP Parties

will take place at the end of 2020 or in the first quarter of 2021 in one of the Central African countries