Agenda synthétique des événements organisés sur les espaces du Pavillon COMIFAC Congo Basin Initiatives
Du 31 octobre au 12 novembre, le Pavillon COMIFAC Congo Basin Initiatives accueille près de 80 événements conçus dans une large gamme de formats. Les fiches descriptives vous aideront à construire le parcours qui vous correspond. Bien vouloir télécharger le programme global du Pavillon COMIFAC Congo Basin Initiatives.
Bien vouloir consulter ci-dessous le programme du Pavillon Congo Basin Initiatives de chaque journée:
06h30-07h30 |
- COMIFAC-CEEAC : Sessions de briefing et débriefings des négociateurs d’Afrique centrale - Préparatoire aux Sessions de briefing et Débriefing de l’AGN de l’AMCEN et PMA
08h00-10h00 |
- COMIFAC: High Level Ministerial Session - Preparation of the (World) Forest Leaders’ Summit
12h00-13h30 |
- BMZ: Film - Synthesis: Tropical Forest Symposium, Berlin 8 September 2021
- German CBFP Facilitation: Film – Synthesis Congo Basin Forest Day, Berlin, September 7th, 2021
- Press Conference - RECEIAC
14h00-15h00 |
- COMIFAC – CBFP - CAFI : “Fair Deal” - High-level Event: A Congo Basin Climate Deal with the international community – A fair share for the Congo Basin
- Protection and good governance of Central African forests and a call for equitable financing: COMIFAC Declaration and Berlin Memorandum – Move to action
- Press Conference - RECEIAC
16h00-17h00 |
- COMIFAC : The second-biggest lung of the earth - What does the Congo Basin Forest contribute to the world?
- Film
18h00-19h30 |
- |
- COMIFAC-CEEAC : Sessions de briefing/Débriefing et débriefings des négociateurs d’Afrique centrale - Préparatoire aux Sessions de briefing et Débriefing de l’AGN de l’AMCEN et PMA
Video - Message from the President-in-Office and Chairman for COP 26: Fair Deal - COMIFAC Statement
BMZ: Film - Synthesis: Tropical Forest Symposium, Berlin 8 September 2021
German CBFP Facilitation: Film – Synthesis Congo Basin Forest Day, Berlin, September 7th, 2021
Point de de presse des Ministres d’Afrique centrale
COMIFAC - CBFP: (Transhumance) An Integrated Approach on Climate Change, Peace, Security, Environmental Degradation, conservation and development: State of the Implementation of N’Djamena Declaration On the need to guide regional transhumance dynamics by giving greater consideration to issues relating to security, management of large fauna and the increasing degradation of ecosystems resulting from climate change…
- Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany of the CBFP
- Tchad Environment Minister
- Acting Chairman of COMIFAC
Posters Sessions
- BURUNDI - Résultats novateurs dans les solutions basées sur la nature
16h00-17h00 |
Film documentary “Paradise Preserved Congo – Protecting the Gorilla Forest” - This Film received Germany’s Nature Film Prize. The Film was commissioned by TV channel ARTE, known to air cultural Programmes
18h00-19h30 |
09h00-09h45 |
10h00-11h30 |
- CAMEROUN-MINEPDED : Présentation du Document de la CDN révisée et du document bilan des 05 années de mise œuvre de la CDN proposée à la COP21 à Paris
12h00-13h30 |
Central Africa: has deforestation reached its peak?
The event will present the first data generated by a global, standardised and large-scale methodology developed by FAO that assesses trends in deforestation and forest degradation in Central Africa.
The CAFI-funded and FAO-implemented study "Estimating deforestation and forest degradation of current and historical direct drivers using SEPAL" contributes to updating data and analysis of forest change in Central Africa, especially since the lack of updated data and analysis of current and historical direct drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in this region prevents the emergence of a regional consensus on the drivers and agents of forest disturbances.
14h00-16h00 |
15h45-16h30 |
16h30-18h00 |
COMIFAC – CBFP CAFI – UK -Germany High Level Event: Accelerating the “Fair Deal “ (COMIFAC and COP26 Joint Donor Statement) Implementation to protect the Central African Forest of the Congo Basin: Engagement with Bilateral Financial Partners (Donors). With the High-Level Participation of H.E. Rt Hon Lord Goldsmith of Richmond Park, Minister Defra and H.E. Dr Gerd Müller, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, BMZ, Germany
09h00-09h45 |
- COMIFAC-CEEAC : Sessions de briefing et débriefings des négociateurs d’Afrique centrale - Préparatoire aux Sessions de briefing et Débriefing de l’AGN de l’AMCEN et PMA
10h00-11h30 |
- RWANDA : Résultats novateurs dans les solutions basées sur la nature
12h00-13h30 |
14h00-15h30 |
16h00-17h30 |
Résultats novateurs dans la solution basée sur la nature et sur les droits de l’homme, participation, transparence, CLIP - Preventing Human Rights, Environmental and Economic Disaster in Congo Basin
18h00-19h30 |
09h00-09h45 |
- COMIFAC-CEEAC : Sessions de briefing et débriefings des négociateurs d’Afrique centrale - Préparatoire aux Sessions de briefing et Débriefing de l’AGN de l’AMCEN et PMA
10h00-11h30 |
12h00-13h30 |
UK TTF: Global Forests need Global Governance
Launch the idea of good governance is central to all forestry ambitions; that to tackle illegal logging and deforestation, a strong legal framework over forests and related global trade is vital.
This session highlights the importance of governance to support all forestry and nature themes at COP26. Furthermore, panellists will remind leaders that illegal logging, deforestation, and other issues are still a problem but that we have the means to incentivise change - while also encouraging investment and sustainable trade.
This event highlights the importance of the tropical rainforests for COP26 climate mitigation objectives, the need to strengthen legality and sustainability in the tropical timber sector. It will also underline the critical role that governments can and must play in establishing and enabling governance conditions in their own actions and working together as an international community of nations.
With Ministers of the Congo Basin region
14h00-15h00 |
15h30-16h30 |
- AWF- Rwanda: The Africa Protected Areas Congress – For Nature and People (Kigali, Rwanda 7-12 March 2022) welcomes participants attending the COP 26 to join us for drinks and canapes at 1600 with Central Africa Ministers
18h00-19h30 |
- COMIFAC-CEEAC : Sessions de briefing et débriefings des négociateurs d’Afrique centrale - Préparatoire aux Sessions de briefing et Débriefing de l’AGN de l’AMCEN et PMA
10h00-11h30 |
- GUINÉE ÉQUATORIALE - Résultats novateurs dans les solutions basées sur la nature
12h00-13h00 |
14h00-15h30 |
16h00-17h00 |
18h00-19h30 |
- COMIFAC-CEEAC : Sessions de briefing et débriefings des négociateurs d’Afrique centrale - Préparatoire aux Sessions de briefing et Débriefing de l’AGN de l’AMCEN et PMA
10h00-11h30 |
- RÉPUBLIQUE DÉMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO : Résultats novateurs dans les solutions basées sur la nature
12h00-13h30 |
Cameroon: The Role of the Civil Society in Renewable Energy Cooperation and Climate Change Action in Africa
The main objective will be to trigger CSO, Government and Private Sector Cooperation and engagement in renewable Energy Initiatives and Renewable Energy Related - Thematic Session (workshop) to present the importance of Civil Society engagement in renewable Energy Initiatives and Renewable Energy Related NDCSs in Africa NDCSs in Africa
Co-Organizer: Cameroon and Pan African Climate Justice Alliance & African Coalition for Sustainable Energy and Access
14h00-15h30 |
- German CBFP Facilitation:
Congo Basin Forest Partnership Celebration - Launching new briefing series for a Comprehensive Debate on the Central Africa forest - Key Studies:
- Transhumance Dynamic and Neo pastoralism in Congo Basin - New perspectives for REDD+ - REDD+ Beyond
- Land Use Planning - China Dialogue – Ecotourism - New perspectives for REDD+ in the Congo Basin
- Promoting sustainable value chains
High Level Event
16h00-17h30 |
COMIFAC-GIZ/CBFP : Aires Protégées Transfrontalières au service de l’atténuation, la Résilience et l’intégration sous-régionale en Afrique Centrale
High level Event
With the participation of the GIZ Board Director (TBC) and Key Donors in dialogue with Central Africa Ministers
18h00-19h30 |
- COMIFAC-CEEAC : Sessions de briefing et débriefings des négociateurs d’Afrique centrale - Préparatoire aux Sessions de briefing et Débriefing de l’AGN de l’AMCEN et PMA
10h00-11h30 |
Congo - INTERHOLCO: Co-creating solutions together with natural tropical forests:
To show-case best in class public-private-partnership in tropical forestry in the Republic of Congo.
The event will explore Congo's strategic vision and collaboration with the private sector, particularly FSC-certified forestry companies, in implementing the protection of its forests through responsibly produced wood products, i.e. natural habit ats and ecosystems on which our climate, air, water, health and life on this planet depend, thereby contributing directly to Nature (COP26 priority area 4), also seeking to mobilise Expertise and Funding (priority area 5) to support climate change Adaptation and Resilience (priority
area 1).
High Level Event Format
12h00-13h30 |
14h00-15h30 |
16h00-17h30 |
18h00-19h30 |
- COMIFAC-CEEAC : Sessions de briefing et débriefings des négociateurs d’Afrique centrale - Préparatoire aux Sessions de briefing et Débriefing de l’AGN de l’AMCEN et PMA
10h00-11h30 |
12h00-13h00 |
13h30-14h30 |
14h45-15h45 |
FERN-PFBC: Séance de Briefing des ministres d'Afrique centrale du Bassin du Congo sur l'impact du nouveau règlement sur le FLEGT et l'APV 2.0 par FERN
16h00-17h30 |
18h00-19h30 |
- COMIFAC-CEEAC : Sessions de briefing et débriefings des négociateurs d’Afrique centrale - Préparatoire aux Sessions de briefing et Débriefing de l’AGN de l’AMCEN et PMA
10h00-11h30 |
12h00-13h30 |
14h00-15h30 |
16h00-17h30 |
18h00-19h30 |
- COMIFAC-CEEAC : Sessions de briefing et débriefings des négociateurs d’Afrique centrale - Préparatoire aux Sessions de briefing et Débriefing de l’AGN de l’AMCEN et PMA
10h00-11h30 |
12h00-13h30 |
14h00-15h30 |
16h00-17h30 |
18h00-19h30 |