UNCBD COP 15 Summit - High Level Side Event – How the Congo Basin contributes to protecting global climate and biodiversity and how it should be supported. Thursday, 15 December 2022 16:00-17:00 Room: 512E

Accelerating the protection and sustainable use of Central African forests in exchange for an adequate share of international climate and biodiversity funds

CO-CONVENORS: Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC), Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP), and German Agency for International Cooperation, GIZ

CO-Chairs: His Excellency Mr. Jules Doret Ndongo, Minister of Forestry and Wildlife of Cameroun, acting President of COMIFAC and Honorable Dr Christian Ruck, Federal Republic of Germany CBFP Facilitator


  • Importance of the Congo Basin
  • Fair Deal as a long-term vision based on the COMIFAC Declaration and mutual obligations.
  • Payment for ecological services for the protected areas; protected areas as economic development projects.

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To this end, the High-Level Event aims at the following objectives:

  • Highlight the importance of the Congo Basin
  • Present the efforts of COMIFAC countries in the field of conservation, sustainable management, and their contribution to the fight against climate change.
  • Discuss the Fair Deal based on the COMIFAC Declaration and mutual obligations as a medium to long-term vision on how to coordinate and implement the principle of sustainable financing of countries' policies and action programmes;
  • Discuss the elements of a mechanism for the "Fair Deal" which highlights on the one hand the commitments of Central African countries to fight against climate change, for good governance, landscape restoration, biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of their forests and on the other hand, it delineates their expectations and call to the international community for equitable financing, i.e. to discuss a permanent payment mechanism for ecosystem services of Central African forests representing an equitable share of the finance and political commitment to Central African ecosystems. This mechanism should facilitate the mobilization of public, private and philanthropic funding, facilitate the absorption, modalities and procedures for accessing and operating such funds.

MODERATOR: Dr Paul Scholte, Senior Technical Advisor, GIZ


PROGRAM: 16:00 – 17:00

  • Welcome and introductory presentations - 15 min: This section will include the following welcome and introductory speeches:
  • Welcome address by the Federal Republic of Germany CBFP Facilitation, Honorable Dr Christian Ruck
  • Welcome address by E. Mr. Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • Opening Speech by E. Mr. Jules Doret Ndongo, Minister of Forestry and Wildlife of Cameroon, acting president of the Central African Forestry Commission (COMIFAC)
  • High-Level Panel – 40 min: This Second part will bring together:
  • Summary from the CBFP Experts Fair Deal Session about protected areas of December 14th (GIZ, AWF, WWF, WCS, APN, ABCG, TRAFFIC)
  • COMIFAC Ministers or Senior Officials:  COMIFAC, Congo, DRC, Gabon, Tchad
  • Donors Representatives:
  • Dr Heike Henn, Commissioner for climate policy and climate financing, BMZ, Germany
  • Ambassador Hans Brattskar, Climate Special Envoy, Norway
  • Honourable Ronan Dantec, Senator for Loire Atlantique Region, France, President Climate Chance
  • Conclusions and Closing remarks: 5 min




The central African Congo Basin Delegation will be present with brochures, leaflets, posters, or banners

showcasing the Congo Basin region. Two scientific reports on the theme will be presented:  State of

Central Africa's Forest 2021; Central Africa's Protected Areas 2020 (Biodiversity) and International financial flows to support nature protection and sustainable forest management in Central Africa. Furthermore, the CBFP Study Package will provide valuable and urgently needed insights into some of the most pressing issues in central African forest policy. These reports and studies also highlight opportunities and solutions for the future of the Congo Basin's beautiful rainforests, which are of immense value to all of humanity. The OFAC Database: Partner and Donor Mapping: State of Investments will also be highlighted.


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