Preparation of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Environmental and Social Mitigation Framework (ESMF) for the Lobeke (Cameroon) and Dzanga Sangha (Central African Republic) Landscapes

The consultant will be asked to focus on two landscapes (hereafter collectively referred to as the “project”) that - although covering two separate countries – are geographically adjacent. The two landscapes are Lobéké (Cameroon) and Dzanga Sangha (Central African Republic).


The consultancy will look at the two landscapes separately and task 1-4 listed in the remainder of the ToR will be done separately for the two sites. The Consultant shall thus develop two Environmental and Social Management Frameworks (ESMF), one for each of the two landscapes, where WWF has been operating for several years – and still is.


Registation deadline: Friday, November 13, 2020.


For more Information, please, download the Document here below:

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