The $10M Rainforest XPRIZE is a five-year competition to enhance our understanding of the rainforest ecosystem.
The Rainforest XPRIZE will accelerate the innovation of autonomous technologies needed for biodiversity assessment and will enhance our understanding of rainforest ecosystems by using rapid data integration to provide new wisdom about the forest as well as inspire new investment and exploration. The Rainforest XPRIZE will reveal the true potential of the standing forest, accelerating the development of new, just, and sustainable bioeconomies.
Rainforests cover less than 10% of the earth's land surface, but they house approximately 50 million inhabitants and over 50% of the planet's biodiversity. Although they are the most biodiverse ecosystems, there is a limited knowledge of everything that lives in these iconic environments. The value of the standing trees are not fully understood and our ability to assess this value is restricted because the rainforest environment is dense, vast, and complex.