Please download the following PDF Documents:
EN Final COP 27 Appel à proposition de side event pour le Pavillon COMIFAC-CEEAC Initiatives.pdf (722.4 KiB)
EN_Final_Formulaire_COP27.docx (370.1 KiB)
FR Final COP 27 Appel à proposition de side event pour le Pavillon COMIFAC-CEEAC Initiatives.pdf (753.0 KiB)
FR_Final_Formulaire_COP27.docx (368.5 KiB)
The Central African Forest Commission (COMIFAC) and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) in close collaboration with the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) Facilitation of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) and the GIZ Program to support COMIFAC is pleased to launch a call for proposals to host side events at the “COMIFAC-ECCAS Initiatives Pavilion” during the 27th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP 27) in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt from 6 to 18 November 2022. It will be a space for open interaction and communication.
COMIFAC, ECCAS and its partners gathered within the CBFP hereby launch a call for proposals to host side events lasting no more than 90 minutes under the « COMIFAC-ECCAS Initiatives Pavilion », at the COP27 venue from 6 to 18 November 2022.

The side events are intended to give participants the chance to identify and discuss pressing topics, essential concepts relevant to the climate change negotiating process, as well as pressing deadlines and real challenges related to climate change and the development of the Congo Basin. Discussions that bring together the public and private sectors to facilitate comparative, interdisciplinary and inter-institutional exchanges on issues relating to climate change and Central Africa’s development are especially encouraged.
The following guidelines are offered, however there is no set format for proposals. Applications should be submitted before 10 October 2022.
The submissions will be reviewed by a technical committee comprising members of the organizing committee based on the following criteria, factoring in balanced coverage of thematic areas. The committee's decision is final. Applicants whose proposals are selected will be contacted on 14 October 2022.
Selection criteria
The following criteria will be used to select side events:
- Relevance to Central Africa (20)
- Relevance to COP 27 (i.e., relevance to Stream topics, CBFP MOP 19 in light of current negotiating themes) (10)
- Well-structured proposal with a number (4 or 5) of inter-related topics/key issues to be addressed or projects/interventions to be discussed (10)
- Clear goals and outcomes (10)
- Potential for producing supporting publications - before / after the event (please provide details - blogs to provide implementation guidelines, technical papers or briefing notes to explain concepts before or after the event are encouraged) (10)
- Speakers identified and availability confirmed (10)
- Speakers from diverse backgrounds/representing a variety of stakeholders - e.g., African and non-African parties, donors, consultants, private sector, INGOs and civil society, ... (10).
- Backup arrangements in the event of unavailability of a speaker(s) (5)
- Collaboration between institutions to host side events (5)
- Side events are clearly aligned with one or two thematic areas of the Pavilion (5).
- Slides to be made available for download (please confirm) (5)
No one speaker should speak for more than 30 minutes and the Technical Committee welcomes events that include a panel of speakers / a Panellist, a moderator / rapporteur and make room for questions from the audience.
Presentations may be of a technical or political nature and may highlight the work of participating organizations but should not be "publicity stunts".
Two or more organizations can get together to present a side event proposal.
The following conditions and/or expenses should be considered when planning events :
- Free for Partners that are Sponsors of the Pavilion
- Free for COMIFAC member countries and civil society actors. However, voluntary contributions are welcome.
- For partners who wish to put on an event lasting 1h 30min, a minimum commitment of 1000 Euros is required. The amount of this contribution will depend on how many events last one hour and thirty minutes. The contribution, which must be sent to COMIFAC in exchange for a receipt, will be used to partially cover the Pavilion's building and equipment costs. Meal expenses are not included.
Successful candidates will also be encouraged to provide drinks or buffets at their events. If you are interested in this option, please fill out the appropriate section of the application form.
In addition to side events, the organizing committee also welcomes submissions for exhibitions, films, or any other activity that is relevant to the COMIFAC Congo Basin Initiatives Pavilion. A poster, a video or PowerPoint presentation, or a networking event can be entered as an exhibition. The Communications Committee will be in touch with interested parties in due course. If you are interested in this option, please fill out the appropriate section of the application form.
Terms and conditions
The CBFP organizing committee will make every effort to accommodate scheduling requests, but offers no guarantees and reserves the right to change the schedule of events.
Gaining access to CoP 27 and the meeting venue will be the sole responsibility of the participants and their speakers (they must be registered for CoP 27). The organizing committee does not have authority to grant or secure access to the venue.
Participants will be responsible for all their own expenses.
Organizers of selected events are required to report to the office of the “COMIFAC-ECCAS Initiatives Pavilion” Pavilion and meet the side events coordinator no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of the side event in order to:
- Help prepare and collect engraved or blank nameplates for the speakers; and
- Submit copies of their speakers' PowerPoint presentations on a USB flash drive. Presentations may also be sent ahead of time by email.
All the presentations will be published on the web pages of COMIFC and the CBFP.
Organizers must see to it that all their speakers and presenters are informed of the venue and start time. If speakers become unavailable, the organizers will be responsible for providing substitute speakers.
Organizers may distribute handouts and other material related to their side event in the side event room immediately prior to and during the event, but must clear the handouts from the side event room once the event ends to make way for the next event. Organizers may distribute handouts and materials on the tables outside the side event room on the day of their event.
Papers and material left on tables outside the side event rooms may be cleaned out at the end of each day.
For speakers announced beforehand, the organizing committee will provide nameplates; speakers who were not announced will be given blank sheets to be filled out manually.
The side events room in the "COMIFAC-ECCAS Initiatives Pavilion", will be equipped with at least 4 or 5 chairs and a lectern, tables, fixed and mobile microphones as well as PowerPoint presentation devices.
The organizers will have to leave the room as it is without changing the layout.
The CBFP Organizing Committee may record the sessions on video, audio, or both, as well as take pictures and make the recordings public. They may also authorize third parties to do the same.
For more Information, please, download the Document here below: